Predict unseen instances

usage: radon-defect-predictor predict [-h] language path_to_artefact

positional arguments:
  {ansible,tosca}   the language of the file (i.e., TOSCA or YAML-based Ansible)
  path_to_artefact  the path to the artefact to analyze (i.e., an Ansible or Tosca file or .csar

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


This command will generate a radondp_predictions.json file in the user working directory. The file contains information about the filepath, failure-proneness, and date of analysis of the analyzed files. If a file already exists with that name, this command will append the new predictions to it.

Note: To let the tool automatically identify the model, the user MUST run the command within the same working directory of radondp_model.joblib. Make sure you trained or downloaded a model first.


The language of the file to analyze (that is Ansible or Tosca). This is needed to automatically extract the proper metrics (through radon-ansible-metrics( or radon-tosca-metrics( to pass to the predictor.


The path to the artefact to analyze. An artefact can be an Ansible file (.yml), a TOSCA definition (.tosca), or a TOSCA Cloud Service Archive(.csar).


If you do not have a model, train or download one first.

Move to the working directory where there is the model (Ansible or Tosca) to use. It is important that the model is in the same working directory from which the user run the command! To this end, you can either move/copy the model to your working directory or changing the current working directory by moving to the one containing the model.

Then, run:

radon-defect-predictor predict ansible playbook.yml (for Ansible)

radon-defect-predictor predict tosca definition.yml (for Tosca)

radon-defect-predictor predict tosca tosca.csar (for Tosca CSAR)

You can see the results in the current working directory:

